Real Winners Never Cheat School Bus Solutions By Gary King

May 8, 2010

The Power of Influence

Filed under: Character,Gary King,Integrity,Lying,Truth — Tags: , , — admin @ 9:50 am

Every day you probably drive countless miles running errands and doing business related tasks. On your journey you see thousands of messages and company logos. What if you saw a message in black letters on a brite yellow background many times each day, Your Character Is Our Future,. In the following days you have several opportunities to tell inconsequential lies, would this message effect your choice?. Something to think about…


  1. I believe that keeping a message like this in front of children and adults will have a HUGE conscious and unconscious effect.

    It is obvious to those who are being honest with themselves that the American Dream is a lie. Americans are being taxed upwards of 60% of their income by an organization that uses lies and fear to submit to their tyranny. You own nothing in America, you rent your land and your automobiles from the state. Don’t pay that rent and they will take your auto and throw you and your family into the streets.

    There is no tooth fairy, there is no Easter bunny, there is no Santa Clause, Christopher Columbus did not discover America, the Federal Reserve is not Federal, the Grand Cannon is not millions of years old, and an abortion is murder, plan and simple. Not one dime that the IRS collects goes for programs, or benifits for the American people. Every dime goes to the Federal Reserve to pay the interest on the money the Federal Reserve loans America.

    How can we expect our children not to lie when the parents have told them various lies when they were growing up? How can we expect the children not to lie when they are punished for telling the truth? Hitler was quoted as saying tell a lie big enough and long enough and people will believe it.

    I believe that Evolution is the biggest lie ever told. It is being taught in schools all over the world and the lies that are in our children’s text books today were confirmed over a hundred years ago to be false. I am not an educated man, but I know enough about Physics to prove that the “Big Bang” theory which Evolutionist want you to believe that everything started spinning 20 Billion years ago and when that Big Bang happened it created everything from nothing.

    It what?? – everything from nothing??

    If everything started spinning 20 Billion years ago in one direction then when it let lose or exploded like Evolutionist suggest with the Big Bang theory based on the laws of Physics everything must be spinning in the same direction when it let go. So my question is why aren’t they? Many moons, planets and complete solar systems are spinning in different directions, some clock wise and some counter clock wise. So much for that idea.

    The fact is either there is a God or there isn’t. To me both possibilities are frightening. If there is a God then we better get to know him and find out what he wants. If there isn’t a God then we are traveling through space at 66 thousand miles an hour and there is NO one in charge.

    I recently debated a young man (in his late teens) who aggressively told me he was an atheist. He had learned this in school via the evolution theory and he believed there is no God. I ask him if he was sure and he replied “YES”. I then ask the young man if he knew everything and he replied no. I then ask him if he knew half of everything and he said no. I then suggested lets pretend you know half of everything, is it possible that God exist in that half that YOU don’t know about? He had nothing more to say at that point and I suspect that thought is still bouncing around in his head and will until the day he dies.

    Evolution teaches only the strong survive and all species evolve. This is the mind set that Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and many other dictators had in believing that their people where superior to all others on earth, hence the rationalization and or justification for killing inferiors and wiping them off the face of the planet.

    On April 20, 1999 Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris entered Columbine High School and murdered 16 people. They committed these murders on Hitler’s birthday. Eric was wearing a shirt that said “Natural Selection” which is a term used throughout Evolutionary teachings.

    They murdered Cassie and Rachael because they were Christians. They murdered Isaiah Sheels simply because he was black. The audio recordings that they later found at Eric’s house said “he does not deserve the jaw-bone evolution gave him (talking about Isaiah) the next time you see him it wont be on his body.

    No question that all lies have consequences.

    The truth will set us “free”.


    Comment by Dave Albin — May 8, 2010 @ 3:50 pm

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    Comment by Kim Pursa — June 10, 2010 @ 6:43 am

  3. Great text, excellent subject and nice blog.

    Comment by Lisa Steib — July 12, 2010 @ 4:19 am

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