Lets assume for a moment that encoded in your DNA/Brain is a record of every lie you have ever told, kind of like a lie detector. Lets suppose that this ongoing account/record effects your health and well being. Lets also suppose that just like a cell phone, you emit a frequency that is picked up by other humans which they receive just like a cell phone call which inflluences their behavior at a non verbal level. Lets also assume that encoded in your DNA/Brain is a restricter valve called the conscience which is designed to stop the manufacture of lies and deceit.
Just like a computer, the DNA/Brain gets virused by input that is detrimental to human life, happiness and well being. Lying and deceit goes directly against life itself. The #1 represents being wholeness and integrity, and supports life, the #2 represents being divided against itself, commonly know as cancer.
12/21/2012. The 2s are winning, get it?
May 24, 2010
Suppose For A Moment
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